

Ratemeter PM1701M is highly sensitive gamma detector which is designed for detection and localization of radioactive sources. PM1701M is recommended to use in hard to reach places, harsh environments and various adverse conditions. The device can be used at scrap metal facilities, nuclear waste disposal and storage sites, vehicular and cargo customs checkpoints etc.
  • Brand Introduction:
  • Polimaster is a leading global manufacturer of radiation detection equipment. Our radiation detection and monitoring equipment is used in more than 75 countries and meets the requirements of our customers. Polimaster was founded in 1992 by talented and enthusiastic inventor Mr. Alexander Antonovsky and his several supporters. The company was comprised of 15 passionate about radiation detection workers. Mr. Antonovsky`s experience and deep knowledge in radiation protection became the lifeblood of business success. Polimaster today – it is more than 200 specialists working in different countries, who produces products of high demand, that meet international needs. Today Polimaster Team is the world`s leader in the field of nuclear safety and security. The main application fields of our devices include: personal radiation control of the staff of the radiation-related objects (Nuclear Power Plants), combating illicit trafficking and inadvertent movements of nuclear materials, liquidation of consequences of nuclear and radiation accidents, environment radiation monitoring, radiation control of private and industrial buildings, combined gamma radiation and chemical agent detection, calibration and checking of equipment. Polimaster team presents the full line of professional radiation equipment: electronic dosimeters, personal radiation detectors, spectroscopic personal radiation detectors, identification devices, portal monitors, activity monitors, area monitoring systems, mobile laboratories, calibration equipment, networked solutions etc.
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  • Features
  • Technical Parameters
探测器 CsI(TI)
敏感度(相对于Cs137) 不低于100 cps/(uSv/h)
计数率范围 1 - 9999 cps
能量范围 0.06 - 3.0 MeV
系数范围 n 1 - 9.9
距辐射源 0.2±0.005 m 移动速度为 0.5±0.05 m/s时(本底辐射不超过 0.25 uSv/h)
55 kBq (Ba 133)
误警率(n =3) 1 min-1
报警类型 声音
数据传输类型 红外
供电类型 一节AA电池
电池寿命 800 h
低电量提示 LCD
LCD 温度范围
-30 ℃ ~ +50 ℃
-15 ℃ ~﹢50 ℃
95% (35℃)
防护等级 IP65
跌落测试 0.7 m
尺寸 54x202x646 mm
伸缩杆长度 1 m
重量 55 g